About the Artist

I live in the Pacific Northwest, I’m into bicycling, holistic health, cooking, computer gaming; I play the guitar and draw, I work in offices during the winter and outdoors during the summer. I’m 28, male, and generally unusual (just like everyone, even if they spend their time trying for that fabled notion we like to call ‘normal’).

I’m a hermit and a wanderer, wherever I go, there I was; when I move on to the next place, after a time, there I was. Permanence is fleeting, every small happening is a gift. Tomorrow forever leads today, and yesterday fades out, only a memory. Life is always passing and there’s no sense in trying to catch it. So I live by the moment, and find that my words and what I do become some kind of poetry. Strange to some, acceptable to others.

If I were to wake from this dream, years from now, it would seem I’d had a dreamless sleep. I do not apply myself to any standard way of being, and I’m never really trying to be, I just am being. Perhaps the title of this blog describes this in some concise way.

Anyway, if you want to hear what are hopefully some interesting tunes and see some hopefully interesting drawings, I’ll be posting them pretty regularly, so stay tuned.

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